Saturday, April 26, 2008

The back end of Liverpool Street

I take this back end exit out of Liverpool Street Station. Who wants to struggle through all the tourists, the passengers standing and gaping up at the departures board, the free newspaper hand outers, etc. etc.?

Much easier to nip from the back and you are out, dry and quickly. Anyway, the problem with going down the back end is that its usually very dark and my little mobile phone camera didnt have the power to take good photo's, but surprisingly enough, we had good light so I took the photo's

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting The roof is all manky, and has not been cleaned for years and decades. As you can see from the far end, it makes a huge difference once you have a clean roof.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the roof on this side of the platform is held up by these cast iron pillars with quite an intricate grill, this is also the taxi rank on the left.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Here's looking towards the exit, on the top, you can barely make out the fat lady and the coffee republic shop on the top. Can you see the grill work on the top? Can you imagine? casting something huge like this for so many times with no problems? those Victorians were brilliant at all this. 
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
And then we have the cycle stand, but somehow, you get the feeling that you are standing in a cathedral, the long corridors with huge tall pillars with soaring roofs, even the sunlit window at the back can be thought to be a church window...

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