Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photo Essay: Protesting at Westminster #ukpolitics #photography

There is a long running protest since weeks at Westminster. Here are some photographs of the protest but take a look at how it used to look before the protests. Here is my previous photo essay of this place.


As I came out, looks like the statue of Boudicca  is driving the large London Eye. 


Guess who said that? Found it very ironic that the man who is considered to be the Apostle of Non-Violence & Peace and who was responsible for bringing democracy and freedom for a greater number of people than anybody else from the UK is being quoted here in the Democracy Square. 


I had a nice little chuckle at this. Yes, another world is possible. But shouldn't you stop dreaming? lol


Soldiers have human rights too. Erm, yes. Quite.


Anarchist is fine, but using sexist language and saying Baby? hmmm. Or is he addressing actual babies in which case I dread his sanity. They like nursery rhymes, you know? :)


This is the Freedom Camp. With a Palestinian Flag. 


Hay bales. Erm, ok. Looks like more of a refugee camp rather than a freedom camp. 


Freedom for Gaza and all that nice stuff.


Stop the War. 666, and an Anarchist symbol. heh. nice. 


A windmill, a solar panel, batteries. Green protest :), unfortunately London is usually overcast and humid and windless and and and. So nice ideas but execution leaves much to be desired. Quite a good equivalence to communism, socialism, anarchism and rest of the silly isms.



They have now setup a small garden. Another Palestinian flag. I was tempted to pull out my Israeli flag and protest against mosquito’s. Why not? dont Israeli’s deserve protection from Mosquitoes?


Welcome to police. And they love them. And there is a tiny shrine in front of it. Couldn't make out what was written.


Ok, so its not Freedom Camp, its actually Democracy Village.


Israeli Navy Murders something something. Well, looks like its landed where it can do most benefit.


Yep, definitely so.


And they have a nice little schedule as well.


Ok, so no drugs or alcohol. Fair point. Keep it clean.


Another cluster of flags and stuff.


More posters.


Another small garden. 




This chap was protesting against freemasons. Apparently they killed off many people.


How much do you want to bet that these people are actually enjoying benefits which are the result of capitalism? Heh. Reminds me of those bearded fundo’s who fulminate about how horrible western society is while living off the same society’s welfare system. Fascinating intellectual incoherence, but there you have it.


Somebody was enjoying their time. Typical Brit, lol, revolution and anarchy next door while this chap is taking it easy. 


And this is the final irony. Democracy and the Town Square Test. This government, for all its attempts and the sign above, is representing a country which skirts with the town square test. Here is the slideshow with more photographs and higher resolution.

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