Thursday, August 30, 2012

May 2012: The Amazing entrance to the Farm Street Church

This is the Jesuit Church of the Immaculate Conception at Farm Street, the headquarters of the Society of Jesus. I was educated by them and I tell you, those brothers and fathers have some strong forearms..

Here’s my school photo. Can you locate me? heh, ok ok, I will make it easier for you, Im the fifth from the left, first row standing.


But moving forward 30 years, I am entering the Mount Street gardens


And I look up to see this amazing amazing window. Can you see the delicate tracery? How it forms a series of flower bulbs with beautiful stone work. Absolutely amazing. You know, for some strange reason, I find the stonework more artistic than the stained glass work.


And then this is the doorway.
And what a doorway.

And what beauty. this entire essay is just about this doorway.

The doorway is created in 4 layers, each layer has some amazing sculptures made out of stone. Each layer has a theme.


A rather sad and dyspeptic looking gargoyle.

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The first layer is of cherubs singing or playing various instruments. A lute and flute

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A fiddle? cymbals

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Tambourine and another lute?

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Reading from a song book and drummer boy?

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A violin type of instrument? and another pair of cymbals.

The next layer comprises of some fantastic animals.

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So we have a fantastic set of gargoyles, griffins, owls, dragons and other associated mythological animals around the second layer.

The third layer continues on with the theme of cherubs playing music.



Beautifully carved, zither, fiddle, a twin pipe set, violin, etc. etc.


The last inner layer does not have any figures but carved leaves and fruit. Very intricate work.


Inside the arch on top of the lintel is a statue of the Virgin.


She has this strange structure on top of her head. Not sure what’s the function of this.


There are cherubs playing around her head.

And are also supporting her feet. Fascinating. Can you see how they carved clothes out of stone. Brilliant work. If just the entrance is so beautiful, would the inside of the church be any different? I was not disappointed.

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