Wednesday, August 08, 2012

May 2012: Step into my parlour said the spider to the fly

I have been trying to photograph a cobweb for a very long period of time but always failed. My house in London seems to be blessed with spiders. And no, I don't have a problem with spiders, they are very good chaps, keep the house and surroundings clear of flies and other creepy crawlies. And most importantly, Diya loves them.

In fact, one spider has taken up residence inside my left rear view mirror of my car. And every time I look, there is a little cobweb there. I love the idea that there is a resident spider on my car. Not many people can claim that, eh? But I am getting away from my main story. Stop allowing me to do this.


Came out one morning and spotted this dew encrusted web


Perhaps a closer look? nope


In black and white? nope.

Perhaps changing the angle would help?




Bingo, a string of pearls in a spiders web. Beautiful structure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures - I'm glad you got the angle right in the end, and salutations to a fellow car-pet spider owner. I used to have one that lived in my wing mirror called Eric. I used to say good morning to him every day as I drove to work. Occasionally he'd pop out during the day to repair the web, check the larder etc. I once drove home very very slowly from the office in Harlow to the M11 junction because he was still wrapping up a juicy fly and I didn't want the wind at speed to blow him off. Luckily just as I got to the slip road, he hauled in his lunch and disappeared back behind the glass so I could speed up. I'd have had to stop on the hard shoulder otherwise! Mags x