Had to recently nip off to Swansea and noticed some fascinating things. One usually doesnt notice these but, see the slideshow for bigger resolution pics
This is such an extraordinary balcony on Platform 1. It is quite beautiful. Look at the twisted white pillars. The tops remind me of Islamic architecture in so many countries.
Old Man Brunel himself. What a great man, perhaps one of the greatest engineers in the world actually. Bigger than Lesseps or anybody else you might think. His scope, coverage, financial management, his dreams and desires, his abilities. I am hard pressed to think of any other engineer who has done so much in such a wonderful manner. If he had lived longer than his 50 odd years of life, he would have gone forward to do so much more.
This was such a poignant statue of an unknown soldier. The statue is a memorial to all the soldiers who have died in the two great wars, but the soldier is faintly smiling at the letter which he is reading. What is he reading about? His wife he has left behind? His tiny baby who was born after he left and has not seen yet? Reading how his baby is crawling? How his wife misses him? Wonderful.
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